My coder, awesomely, is Maxwelldoggums, in case you didn't know. He was the one who made Orange Runner which has more than 200,000 views. I'm happy to work with him and things are going well.
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Aplace School
Joined on 12/29/07
Posted by MrAbnormal - August 16th, 2008
My coder, awesomely, is Maxwelldoggums, in case you didn't know. He was the one who made Orange Runner which has more than 200,000 views. I'm happy to work with him and things are going well.
=) I can't wait to finish this game too, it's gonna' be EPIC!
Oh yeah! Everybody better love it >:( Just kidding everyone.
So fucking what my art is better than yours
i do have flash btw
MrAbnormal (Updated )
Wow you're a fucking terrible artist. You only have one submission, a fuckin ragdoll stress relieve. Its a piece of shit, so shut the fuck up.