Where was the huge nose?
Seriously? But yeah anyway the lines were bad looking and the animation was pretty good. It wasnt really funny and not very original.
Where was the huge nose?
Seriously? But yeah anyway the lines were bad looking and the animation was pretty good. It wasnt really funny and not very original.
Whoah bro
That was insane. Nath's part was great, so was Nogfish's, ah it was all good. Except for that one part. Whatever, 10 anyways.
Thank ya :3
Wow, great job you two
That was a great looking music video. Very clean and polished, and the characters and designs were very nice. Some parts were obviously better than others, like the lightning part, which was one of the best parts. Overall, you two worked well together. The music was good, too. Great job.
i did that part!!!
That was bad. Here are some constructive comments, so this review won't get deleted.
First off, animation. All tweens. Tweens aren't a problem, they can be a real help, but you should have fbf. There was none. Some animators, like kol-belov, they can only tween and still make good movies. You are not kol belov. This movie wasn't anything special. You tweened some stuff around. Plus it wasn't very funny, and having the person watching at the end is not very original. Plus the art wasn't good, especially the 360 achievement. Well thats all, I was constructive, see?
Good job
Really nice job mah boys. We really nailed it. It was short and sweet, and endorsed by UPWN. So cool,
It was worth the whole week...
That was
Nothing to suggest, its just perfect.
And I wouldn't have it any other way.
Da Pokemanz
They are funniez. This was funny, good job. Shoulda been more 4chan memes, references, and bad voice acting. But I'll give it a 10 because der ar de pokemanz!
This was great. I wish I made something for it.
Wait for the next one broski
This was great. Totally great art and animation. It should have a higher score. I faved it.
A person
Aplace School
Joined on 12/29/07